Gellar-Goad and Polt Receive Activism Award of the Lambda Classical Caucus
Congratulations to T. H. M. Gellar-Goad of the Classics Dept at Wake Forest University and Christopher B. Polt of the Classical Studies Dept at Boston College on receiving the Activism Award of the Lambda Classical Caucus, for their work lobbying the Classical Association of the Middle West and South to better protect LGBTQI+ members of the discipline in connection with CAMWS’ intended 2023 conference at Brigham Young University. “The award is intended to honor an LCC member who has worked to promote the rights and well-being of sexual minorities in ways that go beyond the usual academic missions of teaching and scholarship.” Gellar-Goad and Polt received the award at the 2020 Annual Meeting of the Society for Classical Studies in Washington D.C. earlier this month. More information about the LCC can be found here: Congratulations!