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Professor Mary Pendergraft was recognized by the Society for Classical Studies for Excellence in Teaching at the Collegiate Level! Sic itur ad astra! Unfortunately due to winter weather, she was unable to attend the SCS conference this January 2018 to accept the award in person, but fortunately her colleague, Professor John Oksanish, was able to accept the award on her behalf. You can read more about Mary’s achievement here.

Professor Amy Lather was awarded the Nathan and Julie Hatch Research Grant for Academic Excellence! The award includes a week of research and writing at Oxford University’s Harris Manchester College, where Amy will study ancient Greek aesthetics, perception and cognition. Check out the Inside WFU article here!

profile picture of Professor T. H. M. Gellar-Goad
Wake Forest classics professor T.H.M. Gellar-Goad, Monday, May 7, 2018.

Professor T. H. M. Gellar-Goad will be Zachary T. Smith Faculty Fellow for 2018-2021!  Professor T. H. M. Gellar-Goad was also awarded a pedagogy grant by the Society of Classical Studies to support taking his comedy students to the North Carolina Junior Classical League.  Read more about the award here!  Congratulations! 

Meet Cary Barber, PT Lecturer, for Fall 2018 Semester!

Cary Barber received his B.A. in History and Classics from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 2008 and his Ph.D. in History from The Ohio State University in Dec. 2016. Last year, he was a Visiting Assistant Professor in the Department of History at the University of Oregon,where he taught Greek and Roman history.

Cary’s research focuses on social and political developments within the governing class of the Roman Middle Republic (c. 330 – 130 BCE). He is particularly interested in: the origin and evolution of Rome’s meritocratic, office-holding elite; the Senate and its experience during the Second Punic War (218-201 BCE); and attempts at oligarchy by representatives of this elite in the wake of demographic collapse during Rome’s foreign and civil conflicts. Cary’s research uses techniques from the social sciences, particularly demographic life tables, to reconstruct elements of Rome’s elite that are largely impenetrable to literary analysis alone.

In his free time, Cary enjoys running and reading, though he has a secret affinity for television, good and bad alike. Cary is excited to return to his home state of North Carolina, and he looks forward to engaging with the faculty and students and Wake Forest University!